Save on water charges

Older man on phone about bills

The following rebates or reductions make it easy for many of our customers to pay for their water service.

Pensioner rebates

If you own and live in the rated property and have one of the following cards you may be able to get a rebate (money off) your water rates, as well as your general rates, sewerage and domestic waste management charges: 

  • pensioner concession card
  • veterans affairs gold card

See pensioner rebates

Home haemodialysis

Customers having haemodialysis at home will be given a credit for the cost of 100kL of water per year. 

To receive this credit, you must provide written evidence of your treatment (each year) from your Health Service.

For more information contact us.

Undetectable water leaks

Council may reduce your water use charges if you have an undetectable water leak on your property. If your claim is approved, Council will provide a 75% discount on the water which exceeds your average use for the previous 3 years.

What is an undetectable water leak?

  • Not readily visible (no wet areas, pooling of water, water flowing in gutters, split hoses, broken taps).
  • Not readily audible (no gurgling, hissing, dripping or other sounds suggesting a leak, no appliances refilling more often).
  • Cannot be readily identified or located without professional help.

Claim an undetected leak on your property

Request reduction of water related charges due to undetectable leak

Read more about water meters and leaks.

Safe, sustainable and affordable water and wastewater services - Service