Public transport and bus shelters
Catch the bus
There are more than 280 daily bus services to shopping centres, clubs, pools, hospitals, colleges and other destinations.
Hail the bus from dedicated bus stops.
Council is not responsible for public transport. Tweed bus services are operated by private companies.
Bus Operators
Surfside Bus Lines 07 5536 7666
Parsons Bus Services 02 6672 2353
Murwillumbah Bus Company 02 6672 6222
Singh's Bus Services 02 6672 7464
Premier Motor Service 13 34 10
Gosel's Bus Services 0427 149 689
Tweed bus routes
Public transport information brochure(PDF, 578KB) shows you the bus routes and operators.

Safe travel and border crossings
If you’re heading to the Gold Coast or any other Queensland destination, make sure you are aware of border crossing requirements.
Please contact transport providers for information about their COVID-safe plans.
Community transport - Tweed, Byron, Ballina
A not-for-profit transport service supports older people, people with disability and those who have difficulty accessing public transport. (Registered provider with the NDIS).
Bus shelters
Council is responsible for bus shelters in the Tweed.
Repairs, vandalism and cleaning
If you see something that needs attention please let us know:
Request a new bus shelter
Council installs new bus shelters each year, based on passenger use and site suitability.
To suggest a location for a new bus shelter write to:
The General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484
Tweed Public and Active Transport Group
This advocacy group includes local transport providers, social services and Council staff.
The group meet quarterly to discuss local issues, challenges and ideas to promote easier, safer and more inclusive transport.
Work includes:
- improving connectivity between transport modes
- education campaigns and events
- future strategic planning
- cross-border transport policy, plans and decision making
- grants and funding
The group hosts information days at shopping centres to help residents find out about transport options. This also gives transport providers a chance to learn more about community needs.
Public Transport Strategy Report 2012
This report investigates different modes of public transport and their use (and potential use) in the Tweed.
Analysis showed that due to our relatively small and spread out population, a rapid transit corridor bus system is currently the best option.
Public Transport Strategy Report(PDF, 2MB)