Cobaki development

Where is Cobaki located?

The site at Cobaki Lakes covers 17 individual allotments and is located within the local government area of Tweed Shire Council. The entire site is owned by LEDA Manorstead Pty Ltd, who is also the proponent.

The site is located on the New South Wales and Queensland border approximately 1.5 kilometres west of the Gold Coast Airport and approximately 6 kilometres inland of Tweed Heads (refer Figure 2). Adjoining the site to the east is a wetland protected by State Environment Planning Policy No. 14 - Coastal Wetlands, Cobaki Creek and the Cobaki Broadwater. Remnant bushland forest areas lie to the west and north of the site and are zoned for environmental protection. Agricultural land primarily used for cattle grazing adjoins the site to the south and to the north-west. To the south-west is a golf course, which is zoned rural.

See Cobaki_Site Map(PDF, 209KB) 

Background to the Part 3A Approved by the State Governement Cobaki is been identified within the State Government’s Far North Coast Regional Strategy and Council’s own adopted “Tweed Urban and Employment Lands Release Strategy 2009” as one of the largest contributors for the provision of new housing and employment within the Tweed Shire over the next 25 year time period.

Given the scale, complexity of planning and environmental issues, and state wide planning significance, the NSW Minister for Planning took over the role as the consent authority for the assessment of the initial redevelopment proposal for the Cobaki site under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The Part 3A process is quite different to the local development consent role that NSW Councils such as the Tweed Shire generally administer. The main form of planning and environmental assessment was managed by the NSW Department of Planning. The development proponents submitted Concept Plans which were publicly submitted, and required substantial liaison with Tweed Council.

What development is proposed as part of the Concept Plan?

  • A new mixed, residential, commercial, community use redevelopment;
  • Seventeen residential precincts with a mix of housing types including detached houses, townhouses and multi-unit housing to a maximum of 3 storeys, comprising approximately 5,500 dwellings (a new population of between 10,000 and 12,000 people);
  • A mixed use Town Centre and Neighbourhood Centre to a maximum of 3 storeys of retail, commercial, community and residential uses;
  • Community and education precincts including 2 public primary schools;
  • Active and passive open space areas covering approximately 87 hectares of land;
  • Environmental protection areas covering approximately 194 hectares of land;
  • Access network of roads, public transport routes and pedestrian/cycle path;
  • Landscaping and vegetation management; and
  • Utility services infrastructure.

The Minister for Planning granted Part 3A approval for the Concept Plan for Cobaki in December 2010. A modification to the Concept Plan was then subsequently approved in May 2013.

See Cobaki Concept Plan(PDF, 110KB)

Links to the approval documents can be found under the Determination documents section of the relevant NSW Planning and Infrastructure website.

As part of the Concept Plan process, the Minister approved a new site specific Development Code, which generally incorporates the main planning, subdivision and engineering controls which apply to the site.

A link to the approved Cobaki Development Code can be found on the Determination documents section of the relevant NSW Planning and Infrastructure Major Projects NSW Planning and Infrastructure Major Projects website

What development is proposed as part of the first Project Application?

The approved Concept Plan provides the future framework for development but does not authorise any specific development and accordingly to undertake a future specific development proposal the applicant must apply to the NSW Minister for a Project Application. Cobaki was granted its first Project Application in February 2011. A modification to the Project Approval was then subsequently approved in May 2013.

The approved Project Application (as amended) authorises the following development:

  • Subdivision of the entire Cobaki Estate site into seven (7) lots (including one residue lot for future urban development – Lot 807).
  • Staged bulk earthworks to create the central open space, structured open space, and future stormwater drainage area.
  • Road forming works and culverts crossing the central open space (including Lot 802).
  • Road forming works across Saltmarsh areas, including culverts and trunk sewer and water services (Lot 802).
  • Revegetation and rehabilitation of environmental protection areas for coastal Saltmarsh (Lots 805 and 806); and
  • Establishment of freshwater wetland and fauna corridors.

See Cobaki COSPlan(PDF, 199KB)  

Central Open Space

The entire range of plans, information and documentation for the Project Application can be viewed through the Major Projects Register - NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure website

What role does Tweed Shire Council have for future Project Applications at Cobaki

Following the initial Part 3A approvals (Concept Plan and the first project Application), it is now expected that the development assessment role will mostly be undertaken by Tweed Shire Council.

Given the scale of the likely future applications, the consent authority is likely to be the Northern Region Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP), not Council. Council officers will report on these applications to the JRPP for their determination at a public meeting.

To date, two development applications have already been approved by the JRPP for the Cobaki development. These relate to Precincts 1and 2 (DA10/0800) and Precinct 6 (DA10/0801).

Precinct 1 and 2 is comprised of 475 residential lots (including 1 residual lot) and lots for drainage, open space and urban infrastructure. Approval was granted by the JRPP in May 2011.

Precinct 6 is comprised of 442 residential lots (including 1 residual lot) and lots for drainage, open space and urban infrastructure. Approval was granted by the JRPP in May 2011.

See Cobaki Precinct 6(PDF, 221KB)

Copies of the lodgement documentation of these Development Application's can be viewed through Council’s Property Enquiry/DA Tracker and by typing the development application numbers DA10/0800 and DA10/0801.