They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that is certainly the case when it comes to the Tweed’s spectacular landscape.
As part of Council’s commitment to identify and protect the Tweed’s unique landscape, a draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy has been prepared to ensure the Shire’s spectacular scenery is front of mind when there is new development, change in land use, or when preparing related new policy.
Revised following community consultation back in late 2022, the draft policy aims to ensure the Tweed’s unique scenic landscape is recognised and steps taken to assist landowners and developers to understand the potential impacts of their development and use of the land.
Council is now calling on the community to review the amended policy currently on exhibition and to provide comment on its area of application, the assessment framework and methodology, by 4 pm on Wednesday 15 May 2024.
Unit Coordinator – Strategic Planning and Urban Design Iain Lonsdale said once endorsed by Council, the Policy would help guide the assessment of scenic landscape value and the evaluation of potential impacts arising with new development, by establishing clear guidelines for landowners, developers and the wider community.
“From our sweeping coastline to the majestic valley dominated by Wollumbin/Mt Warning, nothing beats the incredible views of the Tweed as you drive through the Shire,” Mr Lonsdale said.
“We want to ensure these views, which are held so dear to all those who live in this wonderful part of the world, remain as spectacular tomorrow as they are today.”
The revised policy was updated following community consultation and internal feedback in late 2022, with changes made to ensure the policy provides clear guidelines to assist the development assessment process, including more specific actions to help developers and landowners with their understanding of the terminology and process associated with visual impact assessment.
The policy also focuses on protecting scenic landscapes seen from publicly accessible locations. It does not apply to development that does not require consent, that is either exempt or complying and that is determined by Council to be low impact development.
Have your say on the Draft Scenic Landscape Policy online at or email with the subject: Scenic Landscape Protection Policy, or write to the General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.
Following exhibition, Council will consider the submissions received and make any amendments to the draft policy. The document will then be reported to Council for consideration.